Client Results

Man sitting at desk working on a laptop with correct posture
Working from home advice

Here is some advice for keeping your body balanced and pain free if you’re working from home or in the office. The image above shows you an ‘ideal’ home workstation setup. The key pointers are:…

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Top 5 phrase handwritten on chalkboard with heart symbol instead of O
Top 5 posture myths

Most of the clients I work with want to improve their posture because they either want to get pain free, change the way they look, or reduce their risk of future pain and injuries –…

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How to stop hip pain

The hip is a so-called ball and socket joint – the ball being the head of your femur (thigh bone), and the socket being a spherical cup like depression in the side of your pelvis.…

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How to stop knee pain

A while back I read a statistic that a quarter of forty five year olds in the UK have knee pain, and that in a quarter of these cases it is debilitating! Why is chronic…

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Barefoot feet pointing straight ahead
How to fix foot pain

We don’t give our feet that much attention until we start developing problems here – then it becomes hard not to notice! In this short article I’ll explain how to fix foot pain by improving…

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