Posts Tagged : hip pain

Before and after photos showing remarkable improvement of a man's body alignment from side view after posture correction therapy
How This Client Ended 4 Years of Hip Pain

When this client first came to see me, his hip pain was taking a serious toll on his life. He shared: “After 4 years of suffering from worsening hip pain that had stopped me from running, and was frequently impacting my ability to walk pain free, I thought this was something I would just have…

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How to stop hip pain

The hip is a so-called ball and socket joint – the ball being the head of your femur (thigh bone), and the socket being a spherical cup like depression in the side of your pelvis. The ball fits snuggly into the socket, and is surrounded and stabilised by strong ligaments and large muscles. It’s a…

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Centaur holding a bow and arrow
Posture Correction and the Centaur

I sometimes bring up the centaur – the mythical half-man half-horse creature – when explaining to certain clients why I believe they’re in pain. What’s posture correction got to do with a centaur? Well, with this mythical being, you can see that the lower horse half provides a strong and stable platform upon which the upper human half…

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Male runner holding his hurt ankle
How to beat running pain

Our bodies are anatomically designed to run pain free, and yet so many runners suffer from foot, ankle, leg, knee, hip, pelvis or back pain! What’s going on? To find out, we need to look at the design of the human body. Your body is designed to have a certain structure or posture, in the…

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