
How to stop upper back, shoulder and neck pain

In this video I explain why many people get upper back, shoulder and neck pain, and how posture correction exercises can help you get pain free. You can sign up to my free newsletter to get those exercises by clicking here. It’s important to remember that pain is a warning sign from your body telling…

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How to stop hip pain

The hip is a so-called ball and socket joint – the ball being the head of your femur (thigh bone), and the socket being a spherical cup like depression in the side of your pelvis. The ball fits snuggly into the socket, and is surrounded and stabilised by strong ligaments and large muscles. It’s a…

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How to stop knee pain

A while back I read a statistic that a quarter of forty five year olds in the UK have knee pain, and that in a quarter of these cases it is debilitating! Why is chronic knee pain so common? I don’t think that question is asked enough. Many health practitioners fall into the trap of…

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How to stop elbow, forearm, wrist & hand pain

One of the reasons why I do what I do now is because I lived with chronic pain in my elbows, forearms, wrists and hands for over seven years. Looking back, I think the advice and treatment I received from medical practitioners was unhelpful and ineffective. Chronic problems with these parts of the body tend…

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4 exercises to improve posture

In this video you can see a short talk I gave to the London YES Group in 2015.  I only had fifteen minutes so started off with a very quick and somewhat oversimplified introduction into what having good posture is, some ways to feel if your body is in balance, and four exercises you can…

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4 Egoscue exercises to improve your posture

In this video, Brian Bradley, Posture Specialist and Vice President of The Egoscue Method, shows you four Egoscue exercises to improve your posture. (Get more exercises and advice to improve your posture and live pain free by signing up to my free newsletter – click here) So what’s the point of these exercises? Well, when…

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